Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bird Feeders & Houses Bring Friendly Fliers to Your Backyard Watching Pleasure!

By Doug Maxwell

Regardless if you live in the city or the country you can make your yard a paradise for bird watching. By selecting and placing feeders and houses at strategic locations in your lawn or garden you will begin to attract a variety of birds. There are numerous styles, shapes, sizes and colors of feeders and houses that will make your decision-making difficult, will be sure to be an attractive addition to your lawn or garden.

Bird Feeders In attracting birds you first need to know what type of birds are common for the area in which you live. This research will help you determine what kind of birdseed to purchase. When locating a bird feeder in your lawn or garden you need to make sure they are strategically located in order to attract your feathered friends for your watching pleasure. Depending on the size of your yard you may wish to install more than one feeder.

The placement of the feeder will be decided by where you spend your time watching these friendly fliers. If you spend your time on your deck then you will want it located nearby. There are a variety of places where your feeder can be located, such as on the top of a pole, fence, wall or your porch or deck. Depending on the different species you have, and if you place more than one feeder you can fill your feeders with select food that will attract particular birds to a feeder. Feeders normally come with the mounting hardware. Feeders make everyone happy. The birds enjoy a meal and you enjoy some relaxing bird watching.

Bird Houses Again as in selecting feeders you need to consider the size of your lawn or garden when selecting one or more houses. You don't want to get your lawn or garden overcrowded with friendly flier attractions. The selecting of houses will depend on type of birds present in your area.

Houses of old were more apt to be made of wood, such as a beach house, a cottage with a thatched roof or church where today you can find more houses made of poly resin and molded into different shapes, such as a bear, a horse or even a crocodile. In selecting a house for your friendly fliers you need to make sure it is well ventilated, has a slanted roof and holes in the floor for water drainage. You also want to make sure the house doesn't have a perch in case larger birds are stalking the smaller birds and wait for them to come out. A house should make your friendly fliers feel safe and secure and give them a place to raise their young.

Another attracting item is water. An area for drinking and a bird bath close to the feeders is a good idea. Baths come in different styles and this would be something to check into as well for your watching enjoyment. These additions will make your friendly fliers feel right at home in your backyard.

Maxwell Home & Business Services is an online marketer of high quality products at great prices with exceptional service. Check out our blog for more products at View one of our products at this website: Gingerbread Style Bird House:
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